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Personal, Team & Studio Settings FAQs
Personal, Team & Studio Settings FAQs

Frequently asked question on account settings

Gail Esterhuyse avatar
Written by Gail Esterhuyse
Updated over a week ago

Does adding a new team member increase my subscription cost?

Yes, adding a new team members will automatically update your subscription by the number of seats you added. This update will be effortlessly processed and automatically charged to the payment method associated with your account, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted experience.

Can a team member sign up independently without an invitation?

Yes, team members can sign up independently. If they create an account without an invitation, the system will check their email domain against existing studios. If it matches, they will be prompted to join an existing studio, and their request will be sent to the studio owner for approval.

What if a team member accidentally creates their own Programa account?

If a team member accidentally creates their own account, you can send them an invitation to join your team. Accepting this invitation will deactivate their duplicate account and add them to your main account, ensuring access to shared information.

Is it possible to collaborate with users from different Programa accounts or studios?

Currently, Programa does not support sharing specific projects and information between users with separate Programa accounts or studios. To collaborate effectively, invite collaborators using a different email address, and they will join your team as separate seat, increasing your account's subscription cost by the number of collaborators you add.

How do I change my login email address?

To change your login email address, please send an email to us at with your full name, company name, your existing email, and the new email address you want to use for the change.

What access do Owner/Admin/Designer roles have?

  • Owners have access to the entire Programa account, including organisation settings, billing, people settings, team time entries, and all projects.

  • Admins have access to organisation settings, people settings, team time entries, and all projects.

  • Designers have access to personal settings, projects they have been assigned to, and their personal time entries.

Will removing someone from my team mean that all of their contributions will be deleted from our projects?

Removing a user from your team will not delete any of their previously entered time entries or comments and notes made on any of your project content.

Where will my T&Cs be displayed?

They will be displayed at the bottom of your PDF export and share link of your schedules.

Can my T&Cs be different for each schedule or project?

No, your T&Cs will be universal for all schedules and projects.

Can I set a different currency or measurement per project?

Yes you can customise currencies and measurement systems per project. Here is a guide on how to do so.

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