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How to assign team members to a project
How to assign team members to a project
Gail Esterhuyse avatar
Written by Gail Esterhuyse
Updated over a week ago

Enhance collaboration within your projects by inviting team members to join. With full access to boards, schedules, pinboards, bookmarks, and image libraries, your team can collaborate effectively in Programa. In this guide, we'll show you how to easily invite team members to join your projects.

Video Demonstration:


  1. Hover your mouse over the Project card in your Projects Dashboard

  2. Select the Cog Icon

  3. Scroll down the project details screen to the Members sections at the bottom

  4. Select 'Add new member'

  5. Choose from the popup list which team member you would like to add to the project

  6. Click on the black 'Save' button to confirm.

Common Questions:

Why can't my team members see some of the projects in our account?

If your team members cannot see certain projects, it is likely because they haven't been invited to those specific projects. Only invited team members will have access to project-specific information.

Why don't I see an option to add one of my team members?

The option to add team members is only available for active team members who have been added to your studio account. Ensure that you have added your team members to your studio account before inviting them to projects.

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