How to add a team member

How to add a team member to your account

Gail Esterhuyse avatar
Written by Gail Esterhuyse
Updated over a week ago

Share the workload and collaborate seamlessly by adding team members to your studio. Follow these straightforward steps to invite team members and streamline your Programa experience.

How to Add a team member:

  1. Click the dropdown arrow located at the top left of your screen, next to your studio's name. From the dropdown menu, select "Settings."

  2. Once you're on the Settings page, click on the "People" tab.

  3. On the People page, locate and click the "Invite New Member" button.

  4. Fill in the new team member's name and email in the provided form. After completing the form, click "Get Started."

This action will trigger an email invitation to your new team member, prompting them to join your Programa organization. Ask your team member to follow the instructions in the email to register their Programa account.

How to Re-send an Invite

If a team member encounters difficulties finding their Programa invitation email, you can quickly resend the invitation using these steps:

  1. Click the dropdown arrow located at the top left of your screen, next to your studio's name. From the dropdown menu, select "Settings."

  2. On the Settings page, click on the "People" tab.

  3. In the list of team members, look for the user with a pending invitation. Note that users with pending invitations will appear slightly transparent.

  4. Next to the name of the pending user, click the dropdown arrow. From the dropdown menu, select "Re-send Invite."

Independent Sign-Up

If your team member attempts to create a new account without receiving an invitation, the system will check the domain name of their email address against existing studios in the system. If their email domain matches a studio in the system, they will be prompted to join the existing studio. If they choose to join, the joining request will be sent to the owner of the studio for approval.

Accidental Account Creation

If a team member accidentally creates their own Programa account, follow these steps:

  1. Simply send them an invitation to join your team via email.

  2. When they accept the invitation, they will be deactivated from the duplicate account they created. They will then be added to your main account, allowing them to access your shared information seamlessly.


Unfortunately, Programa does not currently support the sharing of specific projects and information among users with separate Programa accounts or studios. To collaborate effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Invite the collaborator to your account using a different email address than the one they have registered under their own account. This ensures that they won't get logged out of their own studio when accepting your invitation.

  2. Once invited, the collaborator will join your team as a separate seat, increasing your account's subscription cost by one seat.

Collaboration and efficient management of team members are essential for a successful Programa experience. Follow these steps to seamlessly add, re-send invitations, and collaborate with your team members in Programa.

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