Client Dashboard FAQs

Frequently asked questions about using Programa's Client Dashboard

Gail Esterhuyse avatar
Written by Gail Esterhuyse
Updated over a week ago

Is the Client Dashboard Mobile-Friendly?

Absolutely! The Client Dashboard, along with shared files, is fully responsive and designed to work seamlessly on mobile and tablet devices.

Where Can I Find Client Comments and Feedback?

Once a client reviews items, Programa automatically updates the status of each item to "Approved" or "Rejected." You'll receive prompt notifications after feedback is provided. Look for an orange icon above the "Approvals" tab in your schedule to easily spot this.

What's Required to Share the Client Dashboard for a Project?

To publish and share a Client Dashboard, your project must contain at least one Schedule. If you need guidance on setting up a Client Dashboard, Learn more about setting up a Client Dashboard here.

How Can I Preview What My Client Sees in Their Dashboard?

To see exactly what your client will view in their dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the cog icon at the top right of your project card in your project dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the "Client Dashboard" tab.

  3. Here, you can view any clients added to this project dashboard. Copy the link and paste it into your web browser to preview the client's perspective.

Can I Temporarily Hide My Updates from the Client?

Yes, you have control over this. Simply toggle the "Publish to client dashboard" option in the relevant pinboard or schedule to temporarily hide it from view. When you're ready, toggle it back on, and it will reappear in your client's dashboard.

Will Clients Always Have Access to Their Dashboard After Project Completion?

Yes, your clients will have access to the dashboard link as long as your project is still active in your account. Once you archive a project, the link will be archived along with it.

When Are Clients Notified of Dashboard Changes?

Clients receive an automatic email notification when you add a pinboard or schedule to the dashboard. However, they won't receive notifications for other updates, so you'll need to communicate directly if you want to inform them about any changes within your schedules, pinboards, or files.​

How Do Clients Learn to Navigate their Dashboard?

We've got you covered! We provide a client onboarding guide that you can share with your clients. This guide includes a video overview of how to navigate their dashboard. Access the guide here.

Can I Add Contractors or Trades to a Client Dashboard?

Absolutely, the Client Dashboard isn't limited to just clients. You can also add contractors or trades. The dashboard's benefit is that each user added to the schedule or pinboard can have their unique access level.

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