How to Submit Products For Client Approval
Zoe avatar
Written by Zoe
Updated over a week ago

Our Schedule Approvals tool is here to make the design approval process a breeze!

With this powerful tool, you can submit products for approval, and collaborate with your clients in a user-friendly, streamlined process that eliminates confusion, and saves time.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the simple steps of using Schedule Approvals to submit products for review, so you can get back to doing what you do best - designing.

Step 1: Select Products for Review

  1. Go to your Schedule, where the products for approval are listed.

  2. Review the list, and identify the products you want to submit for approval.

  3. You can choose to select products one by one, by changing each product status to “Client Review”

  4. To bulk select products to submit for review, check the boxes to the left of each product or category, then click the black “Action” button at the top of the page, choose “Change Statuses”, and select “Client review”.

Step 2: Inform the Client

  1. Make sure you've shared your schedule with your client.

  2. Notify your client by email that there are products awaiting their review.

  3. The client will access their dashboard using the link you've shared.

  4. A notification icon on the schedule in their dashboard will indicate products for review.

  5. They can click on the 'Approvals and feedback' tab within the live schedule to review all submitted products.

  6. Clients can either approve one by one, using the 'Approve' button against each product, or click the black 'Approve all' button in the top right-hand corner of the page.

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