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How to add a product using the Webclipper
How to add a product using the Webclipper
Gail Esterhuyse avatar
Written by Gail Esterhuyse
Updated over a week ago

Follow the steps below to use the Programa Web Clipper to quickly and easily add products to your schedules.

Video Demonstration:


Navigate to the webpage for the product you'd like to add to your schedule, then follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Programa extension icon on the top right of your Chrome toolbar. The web clipper window will appear on the left hand side of your screen. To move it to the right side of your screen, click the > icon at the top of the clipper window.

  2. Select Clip to Schedule.

  3. Import an image by right clicking on your product photo and selecting Clip Image. Alternatively you can use the screenshot tool. To screenshot an image select the Crop icon, click and drag your mouse over the area/image you want to capture, let go of the click and your screenshot will save to your clipper. You can add up to 4 images per product.

  4. To import product information, highlight the text on the page, then select which field you’d like to add this info to from the dropdown list provided. Alternatively you can click the + button in the clipper field, then select the information you wish to add into this field. You can also manually type information into any clipper field.

  5. Once your relevant fields are complete, click the Clip button at the bottom of the clipper window

  6. Select the Project your schedule is stored in

  7. Select the Schedule this product will be added to

  8. Select the Section this product will appear in

  9. The clip button will turn green when the product has been successfully added to your schedule

Common Questions:

How do I download the web clipper?

You can download the web clipper from the Chrome Store here.

Can the extension appear on my toolbar at all times?

Yes. To pin the clipper to your toolbar, click the puzzle icon to open your extension options, then select the pin icon next to the Programa Web Clipper option.

I’m unable to select the image on the webpage, how can I save it to the clipper?
The Programa clipper will successfully clip 95% of product images without issue. However, occasionally the system will have difficulty saving images if they have been uploaded as a non supported file format. In this instance, we suggest using the screenshot tool to manually snip the image into the clipper window.

How do I delete an image I accidentally snipped?

Hover your mouse over the image thumbnail in the clipper window, and click the X in the top corner of the image

Can I add a product to the Product Library at the same time as the schedule?

Once you’ve added the product to the schedule, scroll to the top of the clipper window and change the import destination to Product Library. All previously clipped info will remain in the window, save the info to your library by clicking the Clip button.

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